DIY easy way to make triangle prism necklace

haiiiii!!!kali ini aku mau bikin DIY People jadi stylish gitudehhhhh
aku ada tutorial bikin kalung yang bikin kamu makin hits kalo nongki nongki hehe
so, tunggu apalagi..yuk ikutin stepsnya..

you must need:

  1. Manik - manik yang modelnya panjang atau seperti tabung
  2. Rantai panjang untuk kalung
  3. Jump ring
  4. Tang
  5. Jarum dan benang
-Lay out 8 of the beads and thread your needle with the nylon.
-Slip beads 1-3 onto your thread (you may want to make a little tape flag at the end of your thread so the beads don’t fall off the end) and pull them tight so it forms a triangle then got back through 1 and then add 4-5 and pull it tight to form a second triangle. Then put the needle back through 3 and add 6-7, pull tight, go through 5, add 8, and go back up through 7, and down through 1, then go through each of the beads around the base of the prism and back up through 1 to make it more sturdy. Then use the taped end to tie with the needle end and do a few tight knots so the nylon won’t unravel.
-Slip a jump ring around the peak of the triangle and slide it onto your chain.
-If your chain didn’t come with a clasp, cut the chain to your desired length and use your pliers to connect a clasp.


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